HomesRenewed Resource Center
Our non-profit sister organization, the HomesRenewed Resource Center, leads research on the evidence-based advantages of aging in place for the well-being of the individual, the family and the community.
- Aging in Place 3.0: The Business Case explores the economic benefits of home updates on the larger economy
- Aging in Place 2.5 explores the health and wellness benefits of aging in community.
- Identify, evaluate, monitor and actively support state and local initiatives including accessory dwelling units (ADU’s), home sharing and home update incentives.
- Educates Americans about the importance and added value of proactively updating their homes including increased marketability.
HomesRenewed Resource Center also has an outreach component to educate Americans about the importance and added value of proactively updating their homes. Great benefits accrue from updating American homes regardless of age or health.
Older consumers, who are the most consistent voting block, are a huge constituency that can inform policy makers and legislators of their interest in financial incentives. HomesRenewed Resource Center helps conducts grass-roots campaigns in communities throughout the country to lobby local and state legislatures for incentive policies.